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The Weimaraner
Written by E. Lequime
for the website :
© E. Lequime

Originating from France and descendants of the gray Dogs of Saint-Louis, which composed the royal packs until 1450, the weimaraner's ancestors are breeded on very small scale and for the pack. At that time, they are current dogs. It is at the 17th century that the Dukes of Saxe-Weimar, in Germany, were interested in this race of dogs. They made the breeding for their packs of it and, by scientists crossings with certain races of pointers, probably of Braques St-German and of the pointers, they established little by little the standards and the general-purpose character of the dog. In order to increase the size of the race, great Danes were also used in crossing.

By a draconian selection, they attached its astonishing dress to the silver plated hair and gave to this new race of dog the name of Weimaraner (Braque de Weimar). Certain families of aristocrats decided to launch out in their breeding which remains however very limited and held to the very closed circle of the hunters.

As a race, the Weimaraner was officially recognized by Germany in 1897. It should be noted that Weimaraners with long hairs and with close-cropped hairs are of the same origin, the gene short hair dominating the gene long hair.

The fall of the Empire austro-Hungarian put fine at their breeding, and these dogs became very rare. Just after the 1st World war, there did not exist any more that some specimens and the race owes its safety only with some impassioned and in love with Weimaraners.

It was necessary to await the Second World war so that occurs the rebirth of the race in England and in the United States. This race never knew popularity if it is not in the USA where the race appears in Top 5 of the programs of obedience. Overseas, it is called Grey Ghost or Gray Phantom because of her dress gray-mouse or gray-roe-deer.

Characteristics of the dog :  
Since some glosses, Weimaraners reconquers brilliantly impassioned of hunting while preserving its qualities of faithful companion within the house and this in particular thanks to lovers with the race and the clubs of race of the various countries.
Utility :
Sharp, intelligent and conclusive, Weimaraner is a general-purpose pointer. It differs from its counterpart the German, by a very personal style: It alternates the trot and the gallop, its methodical search is less fast and less wide (in plain: 30 to 50 m of the conductor, with wood: 20 to 30 m). Its stop is very firm, authoritative and honest and its retreiving very often natural. This dog lets itself impress neither by the ronciers nor by water or the marshes.

One uses it for hunting for small game such as pheasant, young partridges, duck, woodcock and snipe, the hare and the rabbit but also, for hunting for large game like the fox or the roe-deer. It is also one of the only pointers which can track with blood wounded game, in particular the big games which are the stag and the wild boar. In the thickets, wood, the plain or the marsh, this dog is with its ease. He delightes the hunter which it see work under the rifle and in the same time offers him some spectacle. In the same way, the amateurs of fields trials do not hesitate any more to let him run and win prices.

Varieties :

There are 2 varieties of Weimaraners : the short hair and the long hair (much rarer, see beside). In spite of a strict selection and distinction between the 2 varieties, it happens sometimes that in a litter of the variety with short hairs, one finds pups with long hairs.

Characteristics :

The great characteristic of the race is the plain color gray-mouse or gray-roe-deer which varies from light to darker according to specimens' and the seasons and periods of moult. A white spot is allowed only on the breast piece. The color of the eyes, blue with the birth, evolves gradually to become yellow-amber at the adulthood.

It is one of the largest pointers, registered in a square, its framework is robust, its powerful chest, its back is firm, the whole giving an impression of mixed energy and elegance. Its head is expressive and the port of the ears indicate the mood of the moment to you.

To the short hair, the tail is reduced of some vertebrae 3 days after the birth in order to avoid the wounds due to the ronciers and thick thickets in which it takes pleasure to seek rabbits and pheasants.

Growth and evolution :

At birth
3 month old
6 month old
adult male
adult bitch
Medium weight
300 to 550 gr
10 kg
18 kg
30 to 40 kg
25 to 35 kg
Adult size
withers : 59 to 70 cm
withers : 57 to 65 cm
Age of puberty
12 to 18 month
12 to 18 month
24 to 36 month
24 to 36 month
Minimum Age for reproduction
18 to 20 month
min 24 month
Age of maximal proliferation
4 year
4 year

Medium number puppies pet litter : 6 to 8

Medium lifetime : 13 to 15 years

Character of the dog :

It is a dog of outside, rustic, good guardian, very nervous, (the short hair is more nervous than the long hair), sharp, intelligent and sensitive. It does not like loneliness, it is an animal very affectionate, funny, untiring player. He is a worker and excellent hunter: it one is impassioned. He will fill also the very sporting people.
But : stuffed athlete of heat and vitality, it agrees to channel this torrent of energy for your serenity at home !!! It is thus a dog which needs a solid education (= good raising) because, it has a strong tendency to be very dominating and independent. Moreover, its intelligence is comparable with that of a child from 6 to 8 years!!!. It thus should be often recalled him that it is you the Master and not him and it will test you regularly. Its education must be made with a firm hand but especially in a velvet glove because it is very sensitive. Useless thus " to break it ", you would lose an invaluable auxiliary like your good relation with him.

The consequences of a bad raising are (as in all the dogs) a certain aggressiveness, inopportune barkings, a constant refusal to obey and the blackmail.

Weimaraner :   Standard   F.C.I  Nr 99

the standard in short :

Height at Withers :
Dogs : 59 to70 cm, best size from 62 to 67 cm.
Bitches : 57 to 65 cm, best size from 59 to 63 cm.

Coat :
Short Hair, Short, strong, very dense, sleek topcoat. Without, or with very little undercoat.
Long Haired, Soft, long topcoat, with or without undercoat, hair length on the sides 3-5 cm
Color : Silver-, roe deer- or mouse-grey, as well as shadings between these colour tones
Skull & Foreface :
In harmony with the body size and the foreface, the relative broadness of the skull should be in proportion to the total length of the head. Very moderate stop. Long muzzle.

Body :
Harmonious, strong and muscular.
: Body length to height at withers in the ratio of, approximately 12/11

Tail :
The tailset is a little lower under the topline than in other comparable breeds.

Hindquarters :
High on leg, sinewy and well muscled. The croup is with the same height as the withers
Forequarter :
Legs "high", sinewy, straight and parallel.The chest is strong, not excessively broad with sufficient depth and length, descending almost to the elbow.

Ears :
Broad and rather long, rounded at the tips; set on high and narrow; folded; when attentive turned slightly forward.

Nose :
Surface area large. Dark flesh coloured, gradually changing to grey towards the rear
Eyes :
Amber coloured, from dark to light, and of intelligent expression. Round, only slightly obliquely set. Skyblue in puppies. Eyelids well fitting.


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